Week 4

During this week I:

  • Used the Scholarcy tool to generate summaries for the previously gathered related work for Project 1: Suicide Prevention. I completed only half of the summaries this week.
  • completed the second of two recommended mini-courses on Machine Learning Mastery. The full title for this mini-course is “Python Machine Learning”. The other relevant course will be completed next week. In this mini course, I learned how to:
    • use debugging tools on Python code.
    • Profile Python code in terms of time to execute with the pstats, cProfile, and time modules.
    • Visualizing data into 2D and 3D plots with Bokeh, Seaborn, and Matplotlib
    • Obtain time series datasets (a collection of data pulled at constant intervals in time) using the pandas_datareader library. The library supports gathering data from commonly used sources on the web like Yahoo Finance.
Written on July 19, 2023